
Aaron J. Powner, M.Ed.
High School Science Teacher

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HS Biology: Human Reproductive Education

High School Biology includes learning activities about the structure and function of tissues, organs, and organ systems (including the reproductive systems of plants and animals). General sex education is NOT provided in High School Biology. The state-defined collection of sex education topics is generally provided to Utah high school students in Health and Physical Education classes. However, a subset of these topics is generally studied within the Biology curriculum as reproductive education. Students will be using the Glencoe Biology (2012) text. Chapter 36 contains general information and diagrams regarding human reproduction (click here to read the chapter). I do not generally assign this chapter for reading, but do include it in a list of resources for learning about organ systems during mammal dissections. 

Topics that WILL be discussed from a general biology perspective:

  1. Animal & plant reproduction
  2. Reproductive anatomy & physiology
  3. General knowledge of human pregnancy and childbirth as medical phenomena

Topics that will NOT be discussed:

  1. The intricacies of intercourse, sexual stimulation, or erotic behavior
  2. Political, atheistic, sectarian, religious, or denominational doctrines regarding sex
  3. Advocacy of premarital or extramarital sexual activity
  4. The advocacy or encouragement of contraceptive methods or devices

Also, Utah state law allows school educators to respond to spontaneous student questions for the purposes of providing accurate data or correcting inaccurate or misleading information or comments made by students in class regarding human sexuality (answers must be medically accurate and unbiased).

Please contact the instructor with any questions or concerns.