
Aaron J. Powner, M.Ed.
High School Science Teacher

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Gas Laws

Ideal Gas Law

Avogadro's Principle

STP = 0° Celcius and 1 atmosphere of pressure

* new IUPAC standard defines STP as 0°C and 100 kPa

At STP 1 mol of any gas fills a volume of 22.4 L, regardless of molecular mass | Diagram |

Ideal Gas Law

An ideal gas obeys all assumptions of the kinetic-molecular theory: (1) particles take up no space, (2) no intermolecular attractive forces, (3) no attraction or reuplsion to walls of a container, (4) molecules move in constant and random motion in straight lines, (5) perfectly elastic collisions, and (6) the kinetic energy of the system does not change. In reality, no gas is ideal. Still, the equation is close to reality in most cases, except for: (a) extreme pressure, (b) extreme temperature, (c) highly polar molecules, and (d) very large molecules.


Ch 13 Notes Assignment

Read chapter 13, make a list of all the gas laws and related big ideas. Explain each law and give a mathematical example of how to use each. The following is the list Mr. Powner made on the whiteboard in class.