Aaron J. Powner, M.Ed.
High School Science Teacher
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Official Position Statement from the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)
"Student interaction with organisms is one of the most effective methods of achieving... science education standards."
Source: Responsible Use of Live Animals and Dissection in the Science Classroom | PDF versionOfficial Position Statement from the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT)
"No alternative can substitute for the actual experience of dissection."
Source: The Use of Animals in Biology EducationEducation Research - Translational Research in Anatomy, Vol. 26, 2022
"Using dissection for better anatomy learning... is the best approach for anatomy teaching and learning for Millennials, who benefit more from the act of dissection to learn practical anatomy... than from simulator-based educaiton, video demonstrations, virtual and augmented reality."
Source: Benefits and pitfalls of learning anatomy using the dissection model... | PDF version
1. Dress in full PPE and regularly help with the hands-on dissection of the fetal pig.
2. Play an active support role for your group. Wear eye protection, but instead of touching the specimen, help read and complete the dissection guide packet, look info up on the Internet, help clean the tables and trash, etc.
3. Request from the instructor to do the alternative to dissection (Fetal Pig Coloring Packet). This option is for students that cannot participate in the dissection in any way (whether they are absent or object to doing a dissection). You must still complete the dissection packet and take all the quizzes.
SEEd BIO.2.6 Ask questions to develop an argument for how the structure and function of interacting organs and organ systems, that make up multicellular organisms, contribute to homeostasis within the organism. Emphasize the interactions of organs and organ systems with the immune, endocrine, and nervous systems. (LS1.A)
Learning Targets:
1. I can identify the body systems and their major parts.
2. I can explain the function/purpose of these systems and their organs.
3. I can predict the probable effects on health and quality of life if any of these body organs/systems are disrupted by disease or injury.
1. Multicellular organisms have systems of tissues and organs that work together to meet the needs of the whole organism.
2. There is hierarchical structural organization within these tissues and organs.
PPE required
SDS: Formalin Fixed Fetal Pigs in Preserved Holding Solution (Links to an external site.)
SDS: Bio-Fresh Dissection Preservative
Quizlet: Dissection Tools and Safety Review
Time Required: This laboratory activity will take 2 to 3 weeks of effort. Participation and attendance is important.